The Journey of Leo Boer

To bring the journey of Leo Boer to life, the students of the HKU made a large video installation and also a very special formatted book called “Een Onvergetelijk Gezicht”.

After ten weeks of designing, building, editing and printing, an exhibition was organized at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht on April 12th 2019.

The exhibition started with an introduction of Bart Wagemakers, followed by the presentation of the film on the three screens. The book was presented on a pedestal.


Invitation exhibition Leo Boer

Video Installation | Exhibition & Film

The video installation shows several days of Leo’s journey in a triptych, i.e. projected on three large screens that produce a sense of being closer to Leo’s experience in 1953.

Here you can watch the installation presented at the exhibition. Below that presentation, you will find the entire film which takes 15 minutes.

Book "Een Onvergetelijk Gezicht"

In the book one will find more pictures and richer background information. The book has a very special format with pages of different sizes. This results in layers in a different framing and thus produce a feeling of seeing new images. The selection of the pictures combined with the most interesting parts of the diary turn Leo’s story in a magical narrative.

Book Een Onvergetelijk Gezicht