These pictures were made by Dan T. Hughs (1928-2012), who was an ordained Presbyterian minister in the Presbyterian Church USA. He graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia where he received a degree in Architecture and was a member of Beta Theta Phi Faternity. While in seminary in the 1960s, he participated in three archaeological excavations in the Shechem area sponsored by Drew University and McCormick Seminary..
The Judean Desert seen from Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran10, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)The ravine between the plateau of settlement of Khirbet Qumran (left) and cave 4 (right) (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran1, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)Cave 4Qa and b seen from the settlement of Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran2, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)Cave 4Qa and b seen from the settlement of Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran3, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)Cave 4Qa and b seen from the settlement of Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran4, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran16, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)This picture is taken from about L.4 into south-eatern direction through to a glimpse of L.86-87, 89. Notice the bad condition of the two blocks at L.86-87, 89 in the left corner of this picture; compare with cHuhgspQumran13 and 14 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran15, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)This picture is taken from the southern part of L.30 through to a glimpse of L.77 and the two blocks at L.86-87, 89 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran14, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)This picture is taken from about L.4 into southern direction through to a glimpse of L.86-87, 89 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran13, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)The photograph has been taken from the top of the tower into south-western direction (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran12, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)Dan Hughs at Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran11, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)The north-west-side of the tower, L.9 and 10 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran9, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)This photograph was taken after Dan Hughs entered cave 4Qa. This is the southern window of cave 4Qa, which looks out on a ledge. The western side of this ledge protrudes to the right. The view is to the south-east (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran8, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)This photograph was taken after Dan Hughs entered cave 4Qa. This is the southern window of cave 4Qa, which looks out on a ledge. The view is to the south-east (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran7, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)View from Cave 4 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran6, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)Deway Beegle entering Cave 4 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran5, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
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