These photos of the excavations at the Ophel and the Armenian Garden in Jerusalem in the 1960s were made by A. Douglas Tushingham – who acted as the Associate Director of the British-Canadian-French Joint Expedition to Jerusalem from 1962 till 1967- and Ann Searight, who travelled in the Middle East and was independantly attending excavations as conservator and/or draughtsman through Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Crete and Sri Lanka.
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem35 Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem39 Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon. Payday (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem36, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem34, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Kathleen Kenyon (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem33, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Maggie and Doug Tushingham in the Armenian Garden (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem32, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Douglas Tushingham and Kathleen Kenyon in the Armenian Garden (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem31, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Douglas Tushingham and Kathleen Kenyon (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem30, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Douglas Tushingham (with pipe) and Kathleen Kenyon at Mt. Ophel (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem29, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Peter Dorrell)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Rita Versteeg’s section (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem21, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Kay Wright (now Prag) with Monique Gershier (now Brinkman) (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem20, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Group including Riet Versteeg (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem19, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Workmen (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem18, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Monique Gershier (now Brinkman) (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem17, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Mosaic preparation for lift with Cecil Western (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem16, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Mosaic lift with Cecil Western and Monique Gershier (now Brinkman) (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem15, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Mosaic area with Cecil Western and Monique Gershier (now Brinkman) (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem14, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Mosaic detail (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem13, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Mosaic (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem12, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Mosaic with Monique Gershier (now Brinkman) and Cecil Western (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem11, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham. Cistern in section of Monique Gershier (now Brinkman) (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem10, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem9, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, director A. D. Tushingham (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem8, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem7, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon. Jessica Quirke-Rawson and Père de Vaux (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem6, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem5, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon. Step trenches, South-eastern slope (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem4, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, director K. Kenyon. Roger Moorey section (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem3, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Mt. Ophel, director K. Kenyon. Step trenches, South-eastern slope (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem2, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Jerusalem, Mount Ophel, director K. Kenyon. Step trench, South-eastern slope (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem1, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Dome of the Rock (built in 685-691 A.D.) “one of the world’s most beautiful buildings” (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem33, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Haram area from air, showing Dome of the Rock and Aqsa mosque
(1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem32, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Carving of bone plaque (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem31, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Jerusalem, SQ LI: quarrying of bedrock (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem20, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Excavations in 1967 adjacent to city wall; Mameluke Caravan-sarai Jerusalem, site L: remains of foundation of earliest city wall, on bedrock (1967, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem22, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Jerusalem, site L: remains of foundation of earliest city wall, on bedrock (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem23, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Weights from pre-exilic Jerusalem (site A) up to 24 shekels. Total of 41 weights ranging from ¼ neseph to 24 shekels (photo P. Dorrell) (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem29, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Bronze lion’s head ornament (Roman or Byzantine?) (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem30, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Muristan, Jerusalem site C: looking east and upward through fill dating from foundation Aelia Capitolina (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem19b, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Muristan, Jerusalem site C: pre-exile quarry (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem19a, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Excavations of Avigad in Jewish Quarter – his idea of wall line and area were the British Canadian expedition worked. Site C from north (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem18, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Jerusalem, Armenian Garden, view from south-east; near end of dig 1967; in foreground SQ IX, IV, I, XIV, XI (1967, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem17b, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
British-Canadian excavations south of Citadel in Armenian Garden. No trace of early walls. Present walls are Turkish, built A.D. 1538-1541 by Suleiman the Magnificent [remarks on slide: Cecil Western, site L (or Z?)] (1967, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem17a, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
East slope showing little house covering ancient Gihon spring (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem12, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Steps leading down to spring and Siloam Tunnel – built by Hezekiah (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem13, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
The interior of the Siloam tunnel (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem14, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
The present exit of tunnel at the Pool of Siloam (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem15, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Work on Western Hill. The Citadel from the air and the Jaffa Gate (Bab el-Khalil) (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem16, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Jerusalem, Avigad’s City Wall (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem11, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Shows latest wall continuing north; site A2, 1965 (1965, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem10a, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Latest city wall of Israelite period on original Zion – probably Hezekiah or Manasseh; site A2 (1965, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem10, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Solomic case-mate wall (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem09, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Aerial view of results of Shiloh’s work, below 587 house walls. “We know that Davidic citadel extends further south, and the great gap in system evident in our earliest excavations may be evidence of collapse “water” gate (?) – (Macalister 1923-1925)” (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem08, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Trench A from east (British-Canadian project 1961-1967) (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem02, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Earliest wall (1800 B.C.) but no earliest settlement at the site (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem03, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Upper part of trench, showing Maccabean tower; pre-exilic houses and, below, evidence of Late Bronze (Canaanite) citadel foundations (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem04, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Canaanite citadel foundations; Bronze Age terraces in site A I (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem05, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Remains of city and houses destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 B.C. Note northern limit of the excavation. Extensions to north by Yigael Shiloh in 1980s (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem06, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Jerusalem: aerial view from south (1960s, ID: cTushinghampJeruzalem01, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: A.D. Tushingham)
Jerusalem (1968, ID: cHuhgspJerusalem1, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
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