The NPAPH Khirbet Qumran Archive contains photographs made in the 1950s and 1960s. The photographs in the 1950s – while Roland de Vaux was digging there – were made by Lucas Grollenberg (fellow of the École Biblique in Jerusalem), Leo Boer (student of the École Biblique) and Peter Pennarts (Dutch travel photographer). Dan Hughs was visiting the site in the 1960s while he participating in the archaeological excavation at Shechem.
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. The Wadi in the center and the settlement at the left (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran17, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. the hard way to Cave 4; Maurice Dunand and his wife (left); Roland de Vaux in the center (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran16, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. the hard way to Cave 4; Maurice Dunand and his wife (left); Roland de Vaux in the center (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran16, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. The settelement seen from the west; the Dead Sea in the background (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran15, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. Photo taken from north-western direction (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran14, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran12, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. The director standing at the left (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran10, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. A ritual bath or ‘mikveh’, locus 48 (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran8, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. The tents of the excavation visible at the left (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran7, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran6, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran5, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran4, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. The settlement of Qumran in the centre of the photo and the Dead Sea in the background (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran3, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux. Cave 4 in the foreground, the settlement in the background (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran2, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran, director Roland de Vaux (apt 1950, ID: cGrollenbergpQumran1, Source: photo, Repository: Erfgoedcentrum Kloosterleven Nederland, Creator: Lucas Grollenberg)
Khirbet Qumran. Photo taken into eastern direction (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem26, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Khirbet Qumran. With Père de Vaux in the centre (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem25, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Khirbet Qumran. With Père de Vaux in the centre (1963, ID: cSearightpJerusalem24, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight)
Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran16, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
This picture is taken from about L.4 into south-eatern direction through to a glimpse of L.86-87, 89. Notice the bad condition of the two blocks at L.86-87, 89 in the left corner of this picture; compare with cHuhgspQumran13 and 14 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran15, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
This picture is taken from the southern part of L.30 through to a glimpse of L.77 and the two blocks at L.86-87, 89 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran14, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
This picture is taken from about L.4 into southern direction through to a glimpse of L.86-87, 89 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran13, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
The photograph has been taken from the top of the tower into south-western direction (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran12, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
Dan Hughs at Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran11, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
The Judean Desert seen from Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran10, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
The north-west-side of the tower, L.9 and 10 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran9, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
This photograph was taken after Dan Hughs entered cave 4Qa. This is the southern window of cave 4Qa, which looks out on a ledge. The western side of this ledge protrudes to the right. The view is to the south-east (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran8, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
This photograph was taken after Dan Hughs entered cave 4Qa. This is the southern window of cave 4Qa, which looks out on a ledge. The view is to the south-east (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran7, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
View from Cave 4 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran6, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
Deway Beegle entering Cave 4 (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran5, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
Cave 4Qa and b seen from the settlement of Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran4, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
Cave 4Qa and b seen from the settlement of Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran3, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
Cave 4Qa and b seen from the settlement of Khirbet Qumran (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran2, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
The ravine between the plateau of settlement of Khirbet Qumran (left) and cave 4 (right) (1960s, ID: cHuhgspQumran1, Source: slide, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Dan Hughs)
View looking west in Cave 4Qa. A Bedouin is helping Leo Boer to enter the cave (31 Dec 1953; ID: cPennartspQumran13; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Peter Pennarts)
Cave 4Qa and b from the same location (31 Dec 1953; ID: cPennartspQumran12; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Peter Pennarts)
A Bedouin is showing Leo Boer (left) and Jan Glissenaar (right) the mouth of a jar buried in the rubble. Exact location is unknown (31 Dec 1953; ID: cPennartspQumran10; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Peter Pennarts)
Bedouin man posing in pool L.48/49, and note channel on right (31 Dec 1953; ID: cPennartspQumran9; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Peter Pennarts)
Photo looking to the west from the aqueduct. Journalist Jan Glissenaar is talking to a shepherd at the aqueduct located between the hills and the ruins (31 Dec 1953; ID: cPennartspQumran8; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Peter Pennarts)
Picture taken from the N-W corner of L.18 and shows the southern part of L.18, L. 25, L.24 and L.22 (31 Dec 1953; ID: cPennartspQumran7; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Peter Pennarts)
The N-side of the tower, L.9 and 10, and in front of the tower L. 134 (on right) and L.152 (on left).
Wadi Qumran with the jeep of the travelling party Jeep Express in the centre (31 Dec 1953; ID: cPennartspQumran11; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Peter Pennarts).
The ruins of Khirbet Qumran (31 Dec 1953; ID: cBoerpQumran12.30; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Three persons – probably students of the Ecole Biblique – posing around cave 1Q (26 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.27; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
The man with the beret is standing outside the lower opening of cave 1Q. An additional entrance had been created below the small top opening (26 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.26; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
De Vaux and a colleague are surveying L.96 (25 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.25; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Roland de Vaux, accompanied by two students of the Ecole Biblique, is surveying at L.96 (25 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.24; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Tea break. From right to left: Roland de Vaux; Józef Tadeusz Milik; Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz (?); unknown; unknown and Leo Boer (25 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.23; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Pay-day. De Vaux is sitting in front of a tent paying a local worker. Presumably the recipient is signing for receipt (25 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.22; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Place to sleep for Bedouin men during the excavation (23 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.21; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
This photo has been given the title ‘Dead Sea, direction Transjordan’. Here the presence of rails for transporting material is shown (22 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.20; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer).
The man would appear to be sitting in L.6, number written on the plaster to the right of his face. However, the visible remains do not match this location at all (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.18; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer
Bedouin man working in L.54-55 (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.17; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Pool of L.91. Photo taken from western edge of L.91 in a S-E direction (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.16; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Photo taken in L.94, with the reinforcement wall of L.90 (the back of L.89) on the right. The view is looking north over L.92, L.88 and L.81, towards the tower (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.15; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Picture taken from L.89 (as in Period II) to the west. It looks over top of a basin on exterior western wall of this locus to where men are excavating L.91 (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.14; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Baskets filled with fragments of pottery. Location unknown (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.13; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
A Bedouin man is posing while he is exposing wooden remains which lie against the eastern wall of L.86 (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.12; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
View from L.86 to the north. Two students of the Ecole Biblique are laying bare wooden remains in front of a block in L.86-87, 89, known as the ‘pantry’ (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.11; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Throwing away debris coming from inter alia L.91 en 93 down the ravine (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.10; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Throwing away debris coming from inter alia L.91 en 93 (see caption photo cBoerpQumran12.16) down the ravine (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.09; Source: photograph; Depository: NPAPH-project; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
A view to the north from the areas of Trench A and B, located to the north of the site (see location on Humbert and Chambon 1994, Fig. II) (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.08; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH-project; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Bedouin man uncovering a vessel. Field Notes of de Vaux make clear that there was activity at L.91, 93, and 94 that day (21 March 1954; ID: cBoerpQumran12.07; Creator(s): Leo Boer)
Photo taken after Leo Boer entered cave 4Qa. Southern window of cave 4Qa, which looks out on a ledge. Western side of this ledge protrudes to the right. View is S-E (31 Dec 1953; ID: cBoerpQumran7.29; Source: photo; Depository: NPAPH; Creator(s): Leo Boer
Photo taken from N-W corner of L.41/L.38, looking south towards doorway, with the N-E corner of L.25 on the far right (31 Dec 1953; ID: cBoerpQumran7.28; Source: Photo; ID: Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Leo Boer)
Khirbet Qumran and the Dead Sea (1963, ID: cSearightpQumran1, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight) The photograph is taken on a remarkably clear day from the west looking eastwards over an arm of the wadi through to the tower (on the left) and main building of Qumran. One can see across the Dead Sea to the hills on the other side and even to the higher plateau of Jordan. Mount Nebo lies just above the tower ruins in the distance on the other side of the lake. The rubble from fallen structures and dig rubbish can be seen in the foreground on the side of the wadi.
Visit to Khirbet Qumran with Père de Vaux (1963, ID: cSearightpQumran3, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight) The people are on top of Cave 4Q and looking into Cave 5Q, which today has changed in shape due to visitors and erosion From Left: Alexander Hamilton, Pere Couasnon and unidentified man.
Trip to Khirbet Qumran with Père de Vaux (1963, ID: cSearightpQumran2, Source: photo, Repository: NPAPH-project, Creator: Ann Searight) The people of this image are, from left: Alexander Hamilton, Kay Prag, Charles Coüasnon, Rosemary Worth(Payne), Agnes Spycket(?), Sebastian Payne, and an unidentified man. The tower appears in the upper left side of the image, and the figure with his back to the camera is located in pool 48/49.
We have made every attempt to ascertain the authorship of a given picture. Should a copyright not be acknowledged properly, we would be grateful if owners of these images contact the website owner so that correct acknowledgements might therefore be made. Should you object to your personage appearing in a given photograph, please contact us and we will endeavor to clarify this matter further.