Junin Archaeological Research Project (JASP)
This archive contains slides made by Philip Tugendrajch during six months of systematic regional survey in the Wanka Region of Peru’s sierra central. The survey was carried out in two fieldseasons in 1975–1976 by the Junin Archaeological Research Project (JASP) under the co-direction of Dr. Jeffrey R. Parsons (University of Michigan) and Dr. Ramiro Matos Mendieta (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos). The campaign explored some 287 archaeological sites within a survey area of ca. 445 square kilometers lying between ca. 3200 and 4000 meters above sea level in elevation. Four major occupational periods were distinguished: Early Horizon, Early Intermediate Period/Middle Horizon, Late Intermediate Period, and Late Horizon. Student Philip Tugendrajch participated in both seasons and took about 500 slides with a mediocre single lens reflex camera. The captions of this selection of slides with archaeological sites have been written by Philip Tugendrajch and Jeffrey Parsons (reference: Pre-Hispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Montaro and Tarma Drainages, Junin Peru by Jeffrey R. Parsons, Charles M. Hastings and Ramiro Matos M., Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, 2000).
Upper Huasahuasi Region? (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0375; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0308; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0307; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0304; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0303; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0302; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0300; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu; Urubamba River (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0295; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0294; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0293; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0291; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Machu Picchu (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0290; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Site of Sacsayhuaman, site above Inca capital of Cusco. Function probably more ceremonial than defensive (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0289; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Site of Sacsayhuaman, site above Inca capital of Cusco. Function probably more ceremonial than defensive (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0285; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Site of Sacsayhuaman, site above Inca capital of Cusco. Function probably more ceremonial than defensive (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0284; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Site of Sacsayhuaman, site above Inca capital of Cusco. Function probably more ceremonial than defensive (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0283; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Inca sites near Cusco with Inca terracing (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0280; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Inca sites near Cusco with Inca terracing (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0275; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Inca sites near Cusco with Inca terracing; Urubamba River (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0273; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Site of Tiwanaku in Bolivia – near Lake Titicaca en route from Puno Peru to La Paz; shows a section of the Kalasasaya feature (Middle Horizon) (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0270; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
The so-called Gateway of the Sun. Site of Tiwanaku in Bolivia – near Lake Titicaca en route from Puno Peru to La Paz (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0268; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Potsherds collected at surveyed sites marked for identification by geographic location. The varnish protecting the ink is drying in the sun (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0240; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Lima (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0225; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Lima (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0224; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
This is a distant shot of Tunanmarca, an LIP and Late Horizon (LH) center near Jauja, Wanka and Inca cultures (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0190; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
The Hatunmarca site, a Late Intermediate Period center near Jauja, Wanka culture (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0087; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
The Ponchaymarca site, a Late Intermediate Period (LIP) site above Tarma, Tarama culture (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0073; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
The Wari Willka site, a Middle Horizon (MH) site near Huancayo? (1975-1976; ID: cTugenpPeru0039; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0015; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0014; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0013; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0012; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0012; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site); note coastal climate of desert with fog (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0010; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site); note coastal climate of desert with fog (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0009; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0008; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site); note coastal climate of desert with fog (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0007; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0006; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0005; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0004; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0003; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
Pachacamac (major long – occupied site) (May 1975; ID: cTugenpPeru0002; Source: slide; Depository: NPAPH; Creator: Philip Tugendrajch)
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