Arnold C. Schultz Collection

Arnold C. Schultz was born on 16 August 1904 near Langham, Saskatchewan, as the son of Rev. George P. Schultz and Minnie Ratzlaff Schultz. He graduated from a two-year Bible course at the Moody Bible Institute in 1927. He later completed BA and MA degrees at the University of Chicago and BD and ThD degrees in Old Testament at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. After his studies, he became a teacher and pastor. On 15 May 1988 Arnold C. Schultz died in Tucson, Arizona.

During his career he was involved in a number of archaeological digs, among others Tel Gezer (1936-1937), Ramat Rahel (1959) and Tel Dothan (1960). During these digs and his visits of sites, he took a huge amount of pictures. Not only of the excavations themselves, but also of the people, the surrounding area, and interesting sites in the vicinity. This has resulted in a large, varied collection of pictures, mostly originating from the Near East which has been digitalized on behalf of Beth Alpert Nakhai, Professor Emerita in the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and an affiliated member of the School of Anthropology. Students Archaeology of Leiden University are responsible for the descriptions of the images.


We all are very grateful to Arnold C. Schultz’s daughter Carla Samore, who gave us permission to create the NPAPH digital Arnold C. Schultz Collection.

Arnold Schultz